Creature is a personal graduation project from The Norwegian Film School, developed in collaboration with sound designer Frederik Lehmann Mikkelsen.

“Our vision was to create an experience, that would encourage the visitor to engage on a more complex level of emotional investment and responsibility. ​We wanted to create a space, that extends its physical form, and suggests having a consciousness of its own, that can be affected and interfered.”

Creature is a paper project for an interactive immersive installation that communicates through the associative sensations it arouses in the visitor. An associative language based on our personal research: a collection of studies into the effect of materials and sound - how do we understand them and how do they relate?

With Creature I wanted to challenge my understanding towards the use of alternative materials and what narrative and emotional qualities they naturally carry. Focusing on materials, that are created from natural ingredients or grown and processed over time, speaks to the idea and possibility of creating a living creature as a physical space.

As a result, the installation reflects on the symbiosis between organic and synthetic cultures, and how the separation of self and other are increasingly blurred.

Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.01.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.45.40.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.47.59.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.50.27.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.50.45.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.38.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.26.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.01.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.45.40.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.47.59.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.50.27.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.50.45.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.38.png
Skærmbillede 2020-11-08 kl. 17.51.26.png

Creature is a personal graduation project from The Norwegian Film School, developed in collaboration with sound designer Frederik Lehmann Mikkelsen.

“Our vision was to create an experience, that would encourage the visitor to engage on a more complex level of emotional investment and responsibility. ​We wanted to create a space, that extends its physical form, and suggests having a consciousness of its own, that can be affected and interfered.”

Creature is a paper project for an interactive immersive installation that communicates through the associative sensations it arouses in the visitor. An associative language based on our personal research: a collection of studies into the effect of materials and sound - how do we understand them and how do they relate?

With Creature I wanted to challenge my understanding towards the use of alternative materials and what narrative and emotional qualities they naturally carry. Focusing on materials, that are created from natural ingredients or grown and processed over time, speaks to the idea and possibility of creating a living creature as a physical space.

As a result, the installation reflects on the symbiosis between organic and synthetic cultures, and how the separation of self and other are increasingly blurred.

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